2014 P3发行 扑克穿钞票 Melt 2.0 by Matthew Johnson

  • 2014 P3发行 扑克穿钞票 Melt 2.0 by Matthew Johnson
  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:1
  • 市场价格:
  • 今日价格: 有特价请联系
  • 优惠详情: 剩余数量总共数量
  • 最近热度:
  • 累计热度: 338
  • 综合得分:
  • 信誉得分:
  • 品牌:非视觉演绎
  • 货号:5b81d5d8decb
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家流l行o端v点e


  • 品牌:非视觉演绎
  • 是否有导购视频:有

手法简易程度:一般                      教学适用程度:适用                       掌柜推荐程度:较推荐

是否需要道具:自制                     教学的学习性:视个人情况                                                 



P3作品,扑克穿钞票 。。2.0升级版本。道具可以自制非常简单。
The perfect bar trick. Borrow a dollar, take out a card and create a SURREAL moment of wonder.
If you already own Melt 1.0, good news! Melt 2.0 is already in your MyPenguinMagic area
"I know it's magic, but it's creeping me out!"
What you're about to watch is a masterpiece.
Matt Johnson has been perfecting "MELT" through YEARS of real-world performance. It's so well thought-out, each move, each line has been sharpened through countless parties, bars, cafes and nightclubs.
1. Borrow a dollar.
2. Have your new friend HOLD IT.
3. VISUALLY MELT a card through the bill!!
4. Remove the card and there's NO HOLE.
5. They will be looking at that dollar until last call.
PROFESSIONALS: Melt is EASY TO DO, but don't let that fool you. Matt's a TOP PRO, and has been refining each moment in Melt for years. It's now a worker that you'll want to perform every time you're out. Just borrow a bill and boom, you're blowing minds. Reliable, instantly resets, borrowed bills. It's perfect.












优惠活动 当您在本店购物累计到了18;注意:价格是可以累积的就可以成为本店VIP普通会员了, 当您在本店购物累计到了28;注意:价格是可以累积的就可以成为本店高级会员了, 高级会员权利如下: 本店高级会员享受本店所有标有"店铺VIP"商品的折扣优惠 在本店购物累积满28者(只要是在本店消费了的价格,之前消费的系统也会自动累计),系统会把您默认设置成为本店高级会员,购物时可以直接拍下高级会员的折扣价格哦!